Register in Aglow, American Global's Wrap-Up Contractor Portal!

Aglow™ is designed to help project participants and our team effectively manage the administration of Controlled Insurance Programs.

The Aglow contractor portal organizes project information, documents and communication with real-time data and updates for all project stakeholders. Aglow manages offsite coverage, evaluating contractor certificate details against compliance checklists that mirror contractual requirements, collects and monitors payroll compliance, and assists American Global teams in the verification of contractor insurance costs and project financial performance. This is in addition to the timely and paperless facilitating of contractor enrollment and certificate issuance for participating contractors.

With Aglow’s web-based access, there is no software to install, and data is backed up regularly and stored within a secure, SAS 70-compliant infrastructure. The mobile-ready and browser-independent contractor portal allows sponsor and contractor users convenient access to all the information relevant to their participation in the program.

New User Registration

A minimum of 15 Characters should be used for setting up the password, having combination of alphabets (upper and lower case), numbers and special characters.
Password cannot include your User Name.
Password will expire every 365 days.

The password should contain at least three of the below combinations:
At least 1 uppercase alphabet
At least 1 lowercase alphabet
At least 1 number (0-9)
At least 1 special character (!, #, $)

I agree to the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.

Vertafore, Inc. © 2022